[{"name":"zeppelin-heslin-rees-2024-light-scattering-1","title":"Light absorbing aerosol along with air mass history measured at the Zeppelin observatory in Svalbard","summary":"The dataset includes a harmonised 22-year long time series (2002\u200a\u2013\u200a2023) of light-absorbing aerosol atmospheric particles. In support of the harmonised dataset there is data on the scattering coefficients and air mass back trajectory history. \r\n\r\nLight-absorbing atmospheric particles (e.g. black carbon, BC) exert a warming effect on the Arctic climate and this dataset contains the tracking of the light-absorbing atmospheric particles in the arctic atmosphere. The data is part of the ongoing research conducted by the Stockholm University Research Station situated at the Zeppelin Mountain in Svalbard. \r\n\r\nThe light-absorbing coefficient measurements are composed of a series of different instruments i.e. a \u201cmanual\u201d Particle Soot Absorption Photometer (PSAP), an \u201cautomatic\u201d PSAP and a Multi Angle Absorption Photometer (MAAP). The instruments are compared with one another and correction factors are applied to the data sets in reference to the MAAP measurements. ","citations":"Heslin-Rees, D., Tunved, P., Str\u00f6m, J., Cremer, R., Zieger, P., Riipinen, I., Ekman, A., Eleftheriadis, K., & Krejci, R. (2023). Increase in precipitation scavenging contributes to long-term reductions of black carbon in the Arctic. https:\/\/doi.org\/10.5194\/egusphere-2023-940","comments":"","category":"Atmosphere","subcategory":"Aerosols","keywords":"Light-absorbing; Air mass history; HYSPLIT","scientist":"Dominic Heslin-Rees, Peter Tunved, Johan Str\u00f6m, Roxana Cremer, Paul Zieger, Ilona Riipinen, Annica Ekman, Konstantinos Eleftheriadis, and Radovan Krejci","firstname":"Dominic","lastname":"Heslin-Rees","address":"Department of Environmental Science (ACES), Atmospheric Science Unit; Stockholm University ","postalcode":"SE-106 91","city":"Stockholm","province":"","country":"Sweden","parameters":"Earth science > Atmosphere > Aerosols","location":"Geographic Region > Arctic","progress":"Completed","language":"English","project":"ACTRIS - Sweden and Horizon-Europe EU Project FOCI (Project 101056783).\r\nFramework Programme Project Grant FORCeS agreement n:o 821205; European Research Council Consolidator Grant INTEGRATE agreement n:o 865799)\r\nKnut and AliceWallenberg Foundation (project grant CAS,Wallenberg Scholarship AtmoCLOUD agreements n:o2021.0169 and 2021.0298).","publisher":"Bolin Centre Database","version":"1","constrains":"","access":""}]