[{"@context":"http:\/\/schema.org\/","@type":"Dataset","identifier":"https:\/\/doi.org\/10.17043\/wohlfarth-2021-pa-kho-1","@id":"https:\/\/doi.org\/10.17043\/wohlfarth-2021-pa-kho-1","name":"Multi-proxy sediment record from Lake Pa Kho reconstructing MIS-3 climatic and environmental changes in northern Thailand","description":"The sediments from Lake Pa Kho in northern Thailand constitute a unique climatic archive since they allow recording climate and environmental changes between 60 000 and 20 000 years ago, i.e. during Marine Isotope Stage 3 and the Last Glacial Maximum. Such long terrestrial data sets are extremely rare for South East Asia and the Pa Kho record therefore not only fills an important gap, but is the first record of its kind for mainland southeast Asia.\r\n\r\nThe multi-proxy and high-resolution data set includes a lithostratigraphic description of the sediments, \u00b9\u2074C dates, an age model, geochemistry (loss-of-ignition, bulk total organic carbon, nitrogen, sulphur and their isotopes), biomarkers and charcoal counts. The data set allows discussing the hydrological conditions in this part of the tropics during the dynamic MIS 3 period, including Sundaland's role in altering rainfall patterns.\r\n","url":"http:\/\/bolin.su.se\/data\/wohlfarth-2021-pa-kho-1","keywords":["Lacustrine","Sediment cores","Multi-proxy lake sediments","Biomarkers","Hydrogen isotopes","Charcoal","Marine Isotope Stage 3","Thailand","Southeast Asia;","Earth science > Biosphere > Terrestrial ecosystems > Wetlands > Peatlands"],"creator":{"@type":"Person","name":"Barbara Wohlfarth, Kweku Afrifa Yamoah, Akkaneewut Chabangborn, Sakonvan Chawchai"},"citation":"Yamoah KA, Chabangborn A, Chawchai S, Fritz S, L\u00f6wemark L, Kaboth-Bahr S, Reimer PJ, Smittenberg RH, Wohlfarth B (2021) A muted El Ni\u00f1o-like condition during late MIS 3. Quaternary Science Reviews, 254, 106782. doi:10.1016\/j.quascirev.2020.106782","license":"https:\/\/creativecommons.org\/licenses\/by\/4.0\/","isAccessibleForFree":true,"includedInDataCatalog":{"@type":"DataCatalog","name":"Bolin Centre for Climate Research, Stockholm University","identifier":"https:\/\/bolin.su.se\/data\/","url":"https:\/\/bolin.su.se\/data\/"},"distribution":{"@type":"DataDownload","encodingFormat":"application\/zip","contentUrl":"https:\/\/bolin.su.se\/data\/uploads\/wohlfarth-2021-pa-kho.zip"},"size":153078,"isBasedOn":"Yamoah KA, Chabangborn A, Chawchai S, Fritz S, L\u00f6wemark L, Kaboth-Bahr S, Reimer PJ, Smittenberg RH, Wohlfarth B (2021) A muted El Ni\u00f1o-like condition during late MIS 3. Quaternary Science Reviews, 254, 106782. doi:10.1016\/j.quascirev.2020.106782","temporalCoverage":"\/"}]