[{"name":"oden-swerus-2014-sediment-l2-2-pc1-physprop-1","title":"Marine sediment core data from Chukchi Sea, Arctic Ocean, core SWERUS-L2-2-PC1","summary":"Data from sediment core SWERUS-L2-2-PC1. The core was collected during the SWERUS-C3 expedition with icebreaker Oden 2014. \r\nCore length: 8.2 m. \r\nCoring site: 175\u00b0 19.2' W, 72\u00b0 30.0' N.\r\nWater depth: 57 m.\r\n\r\nThe core data includes: \r\n1. Physical properties measure at 1 cm intervals with a GeoTek Multi-Sensor Core Logger: PWave Velocity (m\/s), Bulk Density (g\/cc), Magnetic Susceptibility (SI \u00d7 10\u207b\u2075).\r\n2. Shear strength measure at about 30 cm interval (kPa).\r\n3. Table of \u00b9\u2074C datings. \r\n4. \u03b4\u00b9\u00b3C (org) vs PDB (\u2030).","citations":"Jakobsson M, Pearce C, Cronin TM, Backman J, Anderson LG, Barrientos N, Bj\u00f6rk G, Coxall H, de Boer A, Mayer LA, M\u00f6rth C-M, ilsson J, Rattray JE, Stranne C, Semiletov I, O'Regan M. 2017: Post-glacial flooding of the Bering Land Bridge dated to 11 cal ka BP based on new geophysical and sediment records. Climate of the Past. DOI: 10.5194\/cp-2017-11","comments":"","category":"Marine","subcategory":"Sediment cores","keywords":"Arctic Ocean; Bering Strait; Paleoceanography; Sedimentology; Holocene; SWERUS-C3","scientist":"Martin Jakobsson","firstname":"Martin","lastname":"Jakobsson","address":"Department of Geological Sciences, Stockholm University","postalcode":"SE-106 91","city":"Stockholm","province":"","country":"Sweden","parameters":"Earth science > Oceans > Marine sediments","location":"Ocean > Arctic Ocean","progress":"Completed","language":"English","project":"Swedish \u2013 Russian \u2013 US Arctic Ocean Investigation of Climate-Cryosphere-Carbon Interactions \u2013 The SWERUS-C3 Program \u2013 SWERUS-C3 is a multi-disciplinary program with base funding supported from by the Swedish Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation (KAW) aiming to investigate the linkages between Climate, Cryosphere (here: sea ice and coastal permafrost) and Carbon release from the sediment, with addition of greenhouse gases (GHG) to the atmosphere. SWERUS-C3 includes principal investigators from Stockholm University, University of Gothenburg, Pacific Oceanological Institute, P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), National Tomsk Research Polytechnic University, the International Arctic Research Center (IARC) at University of Alaska, Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping at University of New Hampshire and Rice University.","publisher":"Bolin Centre Database","version":"1","constrains":"None","access":"Free"}]