[{"name":"oden-swerus-2014-co2-flux-1","title":"Atmosphere-ocean carbon dioxide fluxes and gas transfer velocities during SWERUS-C3 Arctic expedition","summary":"Eddy covariance observations of atmosphere-ocean fluxes of CO\u2082; dissolved CO\u2082 in surface waters, and derived gas transfer velocities during the SWERUS-C3 project in the Arctic Ocean, from July through September 2014. Datasets were collected in open water and in sea ice onboard the Swedish icebreaker Oden.","citations":"Prytherch, J., I. M. Brooks, P. M. Crill, B. F. Thornton, D. J. Salisbury, M. Tjernstr\u00f6m, L. G. Anderson, M. C. Geibel, and C. Humborg (2017), Direct determination of the air-sea CO\u2082 gas transfer velocity in Arctic sea ice regions, Geophys. Res. Lett., 44, 3770\u20133778, DOI:10.1002\/2017GL073593","comments":"","category":"Atmosphere","subcategory":"Arctic carbon","keywords":"SWERUS-C3; Gas transfer; Carbon; Eddy covariance; Sea ice","scientist":"John Prytherch, Michael Tjernstr\u00f6m, Patrick Crill, Ian Brooks","firstname":"John","lastname":"Prytherch","address":"Department of Meteorology, Stockholm University","postalcode":"SE-106 91","city":"Stockholm","province":"","country":"Sweden","parameters":"Earth science > Atmosphere > Atmospheric chemistry","location":"Ocean > Arctic Ocean","progress":"Completed","language":"English","project":"SWERUS-C3","publisher":"Bolin Centre Database","version":"1","constrains":"","access":""}]