[{"name":"oden-ao-2016-sediment-lomonosov-1","title":"Marine sediment core data from the Lomonosov Ridge off Greenland, Arctic Ocean","summary":"Sedimentological data from six marine sediment cores collected from the Lomonosov Ridge, Arctic Ocean. The sediment cores were collected on two separate icebreaker led expeditions to the Arctic Ocean in 2012 (LOMROG-12) and 2016 (AO16). The data is used to investigate the occurrence of sub-polar planktic foraminifera on the Lomonosov Ridge north of Greenland during interglacials periods of the last 500 thousand years. The data set includes physical property measurements, geochemical measurements, sediment grain size, and relative abundances of foraminifera.","citations":"O'Regan, M., Coxall, H. K., Cronin, T. M., Gyllencreutz, R., Jakobsson, M., Kaboth, S., L\u00f6wemark, L., Wiers, S., and West, G. (2019): Stratigraphic Occurrences of Sub-Polar Planktic Foraminifera in Pleistocene Sediments on the Lomonosov Ridge, Arctic Ocean. Frontiers in Earth Science, 7, 71. doi:10.3389\/feart.2019.00071","comments":"The six sediment cores are:\r\nLOMROG12-3PC, 1607 m water depth, 87.7247\u00b0N, -54.4253\u00b0E;\r\nLOMROG12-6PC, 2923 m water depth, 88.2511\u00b0N, -46.3972\u00b0E;\r\nLOMROG12-7PC, 2953 m water depth, 88.1976\u00b0N, -55.6845\u00b0E;\r\nLOMROG12-12PC, 1366 m water depth, 88.1085\u00b0N, 134.6451\u00b0E;\r\nAO16-5PC, 1253 m water depth, 89.0780\u00b0N, -130.5470\u00b0E;\r\nAO16-12PC, 1269 m water depth, 87.8577\u00b0N, 136.9875\u00b0E","category":"Marine","subcategory":"Sediment cores","keywords":"Arctic Ocean; Lomonosov Ridge; Pleistocene; Chronology; Lithostratigraphy; Planktonic foraminifera; Turborotalita quinqueloba; Biostratigraphy","scientist":"Matt O'Regan","firstname":"Matt","lastname":"O'Regan","address":"Department of Geological Sciences, Stockholm University","postalcode":"SE-106 91","city":"Stockholm","province":"","country":"Sweden","parameters":"Earth science > Oceans > Marine sediments","location":"Ocean > Arctic Ocean","progress":"Completed","language":"English","project":"Material for this study was collected by the Swedish icebreaker Oden on the Danish-Swedish Lomonosov Ridge off Greenland III in 2012 (LOMROG12), and the Canadian-Swedish Arctic Ocean 2016 expedition (AO16).","publisher":"Bolin Centre Database","version":"1","constrains":"None, but please cite O'Regan et al. (2019)","access":"Free"}]