Michael Tjernström, Martin Jakobsson Data from expedition ASCOS, Arctic Ocean, 2008 Bolin Centre Database 2021 Datafile Marine Expedition Icebreaker Oden Arctic Ocean Meteorology Clouds Radiosoundings Micrometeorology Radiation Weather observations Oceanography Hydrography Ocean chemistry Ocean turbulence Earth science > Oceans Michael Tjernström The expedition took place during the International Polar Year (IPY) 2008. ASCOS was likely the largest single Arctic Ocean atmospheric effort during the IPY and was endorsed under the AICI-IPY umbrella under SOLAS. ###### Principal investigators * Michael Tjernström and Caroline Leck, Department of Meteorology, Stockholm University, Sweden See more information at the [Swedish Polar Research Secretariat]( #### Version history ##### Version 3 High-resolution bathymetry data added and collection harmonized with other expeditions in the Oden data repository. ##### Version 2 Same data as in version 1, but structured as a collection of 27 individually published datasets. ##### Version 1 Initial release. Provided with link to Arctic Summer Ocean-Cloud study website containing the data. 2021-11-04T14:40:10+00:00 English 3