[{"name":"zinke-2023-baltic-emissions-1","title":"Comparison of aerosol eddy covariance fluxes and chamber-simulated sea spray emissions from the Baltic Sea","summary":"The dataset comprises aerosol eddy covariance (EC) flux data measured on \u00d6stergarnsholm island in the Baltic Sea as well as data from ship-based laboratory experiments using a plunging jet sea spray simulation chamber filled with local seawater which where conducted in the proximity of \u00d6stergarnsholm island in May and August 2021.\r\n\r\nThe combination of EC flux measurements and the chamber experiments allowed to scale the chamber generated sea spray to realistic emission fluxes and to derive a wind speed-dependent and wave state-dependent sea spray aerosol parameterization for particles with dry diameters between 0.015 and 10 \u00b5m for low-salinity waters such as the Baltic Sea.","citations":"Zinke et al. (accepted): Sea spray emissions from the Baltic Sea: Comparison of aerosol eddy covariance fluxes and chamber-simulated sea spray emissions, will be published in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics\r\n","comments":"","category":"Atmosphere","subcategory":"Aerosols","keywords":"Sea spray aerosols; Baltic Sea; Aerosol eddy covariance fluxes","scientist":"Julika Zinke, E. Douglas Nilsson, Piotr Markuszewski, Paul Zieger, E. Monica M\u00e5rtensson, Anna Rutgersson, Erik Nilsson, and Matthew E. Salter","firstname":"Julika","lastname":"Zinke","address":"Department of Environmental Science (ACES), Atmospheric science unit; Stockholm University","postalcode":"SE-106 91","city":"Stockholm","province":"","country":"Sweden","parameters":"Earth science > Atmosphere > Aerosols","location":"Ocean > Atlantic Ocean > North Atlantic Ocean > Baltic Sea","progress":"Completed","language":"English","project":"The CROISSANT project (Characterising properties of Climate Relevant Organic and Inorganic Sea-Spray-aerosols, Sources and Air-sea exchange causing their net-emission) was funded by Swedish Research Council project 2018-04255.","publisher":"Bolin Centre Database","version":"1","constrains":"","access":""}]