[{"name":"jakobsson-2019-acoustic-1","title":"Acoustic midwater data from the Southern Quark, Baltic Sea, 2017","summary":"Acoustic midwater data from the Southern Quark, between Sweden and \u00c5land, collected with a Simrad EK80 sonar in August 2017. Midwater echo sounders permit remote observations of changes in the water column, e.g. thermohaline stratification, turbulence, and suspended particles, as well as individual fish, fish schools, and zooplankton.","citations":"Jakobsson, M., Stranne, C., O'Regan, M., Greenwood, S. L., Gustafsson, B., Humborg, C., Weidner, E. (2019): Bathymetric properties of the Baltic Sea, Ocean Science, doi:10.5194\/os-15-905-2019","comments":"Data was collected from the ship R\/V Electra in the region of the Southern Quark between Sweden and \u00c5land (from Aug 6 to 17, 2017). The data corresponds to the two transects shown in Figure 8 in Jakobsson et al. (2019).","category":"Marine","subcategory":"Hydrography","keywords":"Simrad EK80; Midwater; Water column; Acoustic; Single beam; Echo sounder; Southern Quark; \u00c5land Sea; Baltic Sea","scientist":"Martin Jakobsson, Christian Stranne","firstname":"Martin","lastname":"Jakobsson","address":"Department of Geological Sciences, Stockholm University","postalcode":"SE-106 91","city":"Stockholm","province":"","country":"Sweden","parameters":"Earth science > Oceans > Ocean acoustics","location":"Ocean > Atlantic Ocean > North Atlantic Ocean > Baltic Sea","progress":"Completed","language":"English","project":"The data was logged within a project supported by the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority aiming to investigate mass wasting and tectonic movements in the Southern Quark.","publisher":"Bolin Centre Database","version":"1","constrains":"None, but please cite Jakobsson et al. (2019)","access":"Free"}]